For those of you old enough to recall Joe Friday from Dragnet (or those of you young enough to have found it on Nick at Nite), you may recall his infamous catchphrase, "Just the facts Ma'am".............or was it? The documented transcripts showed that the facts were Joe Friday never really said … [Read more...]
Why Me?
Circumstances happen. Life Happens, and when it does, have you ever asked yourself the "Why me" question? Inevitably, what are the thoughts that come up for you? How does your inner critic answer you? What stories does it tell you that lead you to feelings that are less than empowering? You … [Read more...]
Fear – What Have You Gotten Me?
Marriage proposal. Dating. Being alone. Airplanes. Relocation. Loss. 3rd career. Getting old. Making a decision. Readiness. Money. Divorce. Growing my hair out. Conversation with my father. Selling my home. Commitment. Conflict. A Dog. Public speaking. Being not good … [Read more...]
Is Your Inner Critic Challenging Your Self-Esteem?
Many professional conferences, lively dinner table discussions, happy hour conversations with the girls have gone round and round about the origin of self-esteem. You may look back and say "I had a great family, my parents always encouraged me, showered me with unconditional love and support, so why … [Read more...]