a noun
The quality of bending easily without breaking.
In knowing that our mind is the largest (and strongest) muscle in our body, just as working on our physical flexibility helps to keep us agile and moving forward in a body that we want to serve us as we age up, how are we practicing being flexible with our minds and our thoughts?
Those of you who practice Yoga know of it to be an art that is carefully worked on and refined over time. Your body once tight and rigid, became more loose and fluid.
The same practice is needed in the thought work we do as a way to strengthen our mind. And just as when you first started to practice Yoga, you may have felt an un-ease, a dis-ease, a feeling of angst as you stretched your limbs further and further, taking your body to where it is today – stronger, in less pain and an ability to reach and bend further and higher than before.
With mental flexibility, we are able to take advantage of more opportunities than those around us that aren’t willing to exercise their mental muscle. Flexibility allows us to welcome situations to come our way that we otherwise hadn’t anticipated.
When we are rigid or stuck in our ways, instead of adjusting to the world around us we hunker down, clinging to a concept of reality rather than reality itself. When we do this, we cut ourselves off from life, and we miss out on valuable opportunities, as well as a lot of joy.
Every day you have the opportunity to exercise your flexibility. You can choose just for today, to flex your mind muscle by giving a time-out to a belief you have held on to which isn’t serving you but are fearful to let go of. Just for today, you can choose to stretch your mind by allowing yourself to think of a problem you are facing and seeing it with several possible outcomes. Just for today, you can stretch and loosen your mind by choosing to think differently about yourself, in a more loving, kind and compassionate way.
In what way today are you willing to flex your mental muscle?
Do you live in the San Gabriel Valley? Are you ready to meet a supportive group of like-minded women? Ready to (finally) make peace with your inner critic? My in-office 12-week group located in Arcadia starts June 1 – Call or email me to reserve your spot. You can also let me know if you’d like VIP notice of when my next on-line Chapter 2 group is starting. Space is limited to 7. You can find out more information here: