If you don’t have a dream, how are you going to make it come true?” Walt Disney Do you realize that whatever you see around you began as a dream? From the pen or pencils we use every day, the chair you are probably sitting in right now, your favorite kitchen gadget, to the … [Read more...]
A Busy Way of Thinking
If I had a dollar bill for every time I heard from women I work with utter these three little words, I wouldn’t be able to hold all of them with both my hands! What are these 3 words you ask? “I AM BUSY” I want to feel love in my life and start dating again but I am busy. I want to learn … [Read more...]
Why Anger is Different from Other Emotions
Of all the emotions, anger is perhaps the one that most people have the hardest time dealing with. That’s most likely because anger is not like the other emotions. It is unique. In fact, a 2017 survey by the Mental Health Foundation of 2000 people found that 28% are sometimes worried about the level … [Read more...]
There's a secret that most people have that goes way deep and remains silent. It's a secret that isn't broken because chances are you don't speak about it. To anyone. Only to yourself (thank you critical inner voice!). This secret has to do with your thought about being lovable. I recently … [Read more...]