Many people are brought up to always be kind to others. But how many of us were taught to be kind to ourselves? Self-compassion, or self-love, can often seem like a foreign concept, particularly to those raised in an abusive or unloving home. Self- compassion, and self-love are not to be confused … [Read more...]
How Attached to Your Problem Are You?
Control We all want it. We want to control our children, our job, our spouse, our friends, ourselves (I'm sure you can add to this list). I see you shaking your head at your iPhone or computer screen while reading this and thinking, "No I don't". Do you want things to go the way YOU want … [Read more...]
Peaceful Anxiety
OK, I admit it. I am an anxious person. It is at the core of what drives my OCD-like tendencies. It is at the core of what, at times, keeps me out of action and is at the core at other times, that sends me compulsively or neurotically, into too much action (is there such a thing as being in … [Read more...]
The Feeling of Possibility
If you've ever spent $1 toward purchasing a lottery ticket you've then experienced the amazing thoughts that bring forth the feeling of possibility. Life possibilities that you envision for yourself that have you rushing … [Read more...]