Circumstances happen. Life Happens, and when it does, have you ever asked yourself the "Why me" question? Inevitably, what are the thoughts that come up for you? How does your inner critic answer you? What stories does it tell you that lead you to feelings that are less than empowering? You … [Read more...]
Fear – What Have You Gotten Me?
Marriage proposal. Dating. Being alone. Airplanes. Relocation. Loss. 3rd career. Getting old. Making a decision. Readiness. Money. Divorce. Growing my hair out. Conversation with my father. Selling my home. Commitment. Conflict. A Dog. Public speaking. Being not good … [Read more...]
But It Hurts!
I talk a lot about feelings. Feelings drive our action (or inaction) that leads to our results. True confession time. I used to eat a bag of Hershey's Kisses (in one sitting). If you know me, you know I have always been a gym goer and "clean" healthy eater. Except for those … [Read more...]
How Attached to Your Problem Are You?
Control We all want it. We want to control our children, our job, our spouse, our friends, ourselves (I'm sure you can add to this list). I see you shaking your head at your iPhone or computer screen while reading this and thinking, "No I don't". Do you want things to go the way YOU want … [Read more...]